Essential information for residents and guests

Management of the block

Harbourside Management Ltd (HML) has a responsibility to ensure that the block is properly managed and maintained.  The Directors of HML oversee the management of the cleaning, maintenance and waste management services for Harbourside. They also oversee any repairs that are necessary and ensure we meet our obligations for insurance and fire certification. 

Dealing with faults and maintenance issues

Repairs and maintenance within each apartment are normally the responsibility of owners, unless they are directly attributable to a more extensive problem with the block.

If problems arise with any of the communal facilities, including the lift, lighting, car park or access decks, please report these using the form on the Owners' and Residents' Private Area of this website to ensure they are investigated and resolved. We rely on all the residents at Harbourside to report problems. Please don’t  assume that someone else has already done it.

Waste management and recycling

Each owner has a key to the bin store located adjacent to the car park entrance. Inside there are GREEN bins for recycling and BLUE bins for disposal of general household waste. Collections alternate week by week, with blue bin collection one week, and green bin collection the following week. 

Items placed in the BLUE bins will be taken to landfill. The GREEN bins are only for items that can be recycled and it is really important that all residents and guests follow the guidance on recycling. If inappropriate items are placed in the green bins they may not be emptied. See below for guidance:

OK for green bin

Plastic bottles and cartons

Butter and yoghurt tubs

Fruit and veg trays

Drinks cans 

Food cans

Cardboard boxes and packaging (flattened)

Egg cartons

Newspapers (clean and dry)

Letters and brochures

Tetrapak cartons

NOT suitable for green bin

NO Glass bottles and jars (use a bottle bank)

NO plastic bags or wrappers of any type

NO aluminium foil

NO polystyrene

NO food waste

NO food-soiled packaging

NO garden waste

NO paper towels

NO batteries

NO nappies

Further important guidance for waste management 

No one likes to go to the bin store and find that the wheelie bins are already full or that the bins have been incorrectly filled. This can lead to overflowing bins and all the associated smells and unpleasantness. Some basic consideration will ensure that all residents can safely dispose of their waste:

Owners are asked to advise tenants and guests of this information and seek assurances that the requirements will be adhered to.

Bottle Banks

There are numerous bottle banks within easy reach of Harbourside, including the following locations:

Mayo County Council Civic Amenity Site

Location: Google Maps

The nearest council Civic Amenity Site is located at Derrinumera, which is less than 10 minutes from Newport along the Castlebar Road. The site accepts most forms of waste and items for recycling. Some items such as bottles and electrical items can be left free of charge, though charges do apply for many other forms of waste.

Detailed information can be found here, including a helpful leaflet which can be downloaded.

Car parking

Each apartment in the block has one allocated parking space. Please be considerate when parking and always ensure that you park only in the allocated space.